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Preventing cervical cancer in
every clinic, everywhere
Every 2 minutes, a woman dies of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is preventable, and treatable before it becomes malignant
Anchor 1
A clinician can detect pre-cancerous cells through HPV DNA tests, Pap
of cervical screens are abnormal, meaning they need some sort of follow-up treatment or care.
smears, VIA, and other routine screening methods
at a local clinic.
of women who screen positive never follow up, due to at least one barrier
When pre-cancer cells are left untreated, they progress into
cervical cancer – meaning that instead of a simple intervention at a local clinic, a woman now faces surgery,
chemotherapy, or radiation.
we build the tools to treat
pre-cancerous cells
at the point of diagnosis —
at any clinic, anywhere in the world
Ananya Health
Anchor 2
Ananya Health's Cryo Refrigerant Closed Loop platform
Closed loop system removes reliance on broken supply chain
Battery-powered with wheels for portability
Probe tip achieves 5mm depth of freeze
At 1/10th the cost of
gas-based traditional cryo system
Proven, standard-of-care outcomes = fewer cases of cervical cancer
At 1/10th the cost of
gas-based traditional cryo system
More primary care providers can perform early treatment
More women in more clinics can get access to preventative care
Anchor 3
From our Instagram Feed
Anchor 4
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